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Best Sites to Make Money Online- Top 5 Genuine Online Money Earning Sites in India for Everyone!
Kannan has been earning money online from the comfort of his home for more than 5 years. He has good know-how about making money online. One fine day Mr. Purna Duggirala left his high-paying job and became a professional makng when he saw that his blog is actually making more money than his regular job. This is yet another story of a professional blogger Purna, nicknamed Chandoo of Chandoo.
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Kannan has been earning money online from the comfort of his home for more than 5 years. He has good know-how about making money online. One fine day Mr.
Purna Duggirala left his high-paying job and became a professional blogger when he saw that his blog insia actually making more money than his regular job. This is yet maknig story of a professional blogger Purna, nicknamed Chandoo un Chandoo. There are many such examples where people have left white-collar jobs and have started to earn a full-time income from their home. One thing that is common among websutes stories is that they blog about something that they are extremely knowledgeable of, in case of Chandoo.
One another example is of Jn. Amit Agarwal of Labnol. But don’t get discouraged, there are some kndia where you can at least make some cash on lndia side as a part-time job.
These aren’t «get rich quick» type of sites no website can guarantee that; one who guarantees is a scamjust like anywhere else, it takes makiny and effort to make anything on the net. I’m not here to give you the ways that you can make money online. I’ll be giving specific websites that you can sign-up, and that too which are absolutely free. From the indiw five years, I have been working part-time on the internet maklng some or the other way.
I have never spent anything to earn on the net. I had that much in my head that I will get scammed inndia I pay. Don’t ever spend money to earn money pun unintended. I’m writing this hub keeping in my mind readers from India but all of the sites listed below allow people from anywhere, say for instance these sites allow people from Pakistan, Philippines, China not sure. Though explaining every websires thing or rule about the listed sites will be a far over-stretched for this article.
So I will provide links pointing for each of them so that you will get additional information on. One of the most preferred ways to make money online is by writing content. If your written English is good, that is you have good grammar and can get your point fairly easily across the reader then you can write indiaa. Majorly there are two ways from where you can write and earn online.
Starting your own blog is free at any major blogging platforms but if you are serious then get a domain name and hosting space. And for revenue sharing websites they indix those wherein you can write your articles and can earn revenue which is shared by the site and.
The benefit of writing at such sites is that you can test waters before consider investing money on your own site. The site on which you are reading this article is one such site where anybody can write articles and earn revenue generated on their article.
There are many such revenue sharing websites all over websties web but Hubpages is by far the best site according to my experience. Hubpages has been there for more than 10 years and a site which is very much trustable. Yes, you can write here free but to earn there is a pre-requisite that you must have an approved Adsense account.
And tell you what, to earn anywhere on the net by writing articles you need an Adsense account. Getting an AdSense account requires you to have good content on your profile and you should be a member here for at least six months. However, this is not compulsory to get approved by Google Adsense.
I got my Adsense approved from a revenue sharing site within two months. Start writing here and apply for an account from undia. So practically you won’t earn before getting approved. Once you get approved then you can make money. Have some thoroughly researched articles and I’m sure you’ll get moneyy Adsense account pretty easily within six months. There are also other ways to makinb here like promoting products of amazon.
More information on the links. To get how it works you must read voraciously about each and every aspect to understand the process. Learning Center — This is the most useful for any newbie. Get every information about how you can get started. Hubpages Faq — To know about the rules and other information that you must know.
Infobarrel is also a revenue sharing website more or same on the lines of Hubpages. But there is a good news for all those folks that don’t have an Adsense account. You can still earn here without having an Adsense account. It works like this: You create articles and advertisement is shown on your pages and the revenue generated from there is accumulated in a common pool and you get paid according to the popularity monye your pages.
The ad system kndia is known as IB Ads. To know more about it and the earning potential head on to this page. Infobarrel Ads. I haven’t written any thing on this one but have read and heard good things about. You can sign up from directly on Wizzley. This was launched in in the wake of a major algorithm change in Google’s mking engine known as Google Panda.
Wizzley is very similar to Hubpages. So you don’t want to write on sites which share revenue. Then go on and create your own blog about something maikng you have enough knowledge. The key is to write regularly and provide real value to the reader of the blog. By providing original and well-written articles that help people and readers will return back to know.
Just imagine why you buy the newspaper daily or watch the news daily because they provide you information that is good for you. The internet has opened up many unique models of business. The internet has made the world very small.
It can bring many people together for interaction and communication becomes easy. This is what the below business models. It takes the advantage of crowd. The below first two sites are crowd-sourcing websites and the third one is another unique way to earn from your skills. Mechanical Turk as it is called is the place where employers upload task, which is generally short task such as finding an email ID, writing a description of the business, transcribing an audio, or to find some specific information on moneh web.
The employer or requester may have thousands of task known as HITs where workers like you there would be ni can complete the task and get paid. HITs pay anywhere between 0. The task can often be completed within a minute or two and for us Indians, we can withdraw the amount in Indian rupees by requesting webwites cheque.
Similar to mturk they also operate on the same lines. In my opinion, mturk is way ahead when compared with microworkers but they websies be used as a substitute when you don’t have any suitable work on mturk. Another good thing about crowd-sourcing sites is wwbsites they don’t require any sort of bidding process in order to work on the task. Another unique business model that is great for a side income.
List anything that you can do for five dollars and get paid if anyone avails your services. It is on you what you want to work for; that websiets writing an article, or it can be to makihg a handcrafted greeting card or maaking singing a birthday song for. If you have been looking to work online for some time then you must have heard about freelance sites. Below are indai personal favorites freelancing websites. Both are really strong in connecting workers with employers.
If you have specific work experience about a certain field then you can bid and work on the projects. Getting projects is very tough on these sites but if you have an expertise and have a good portfolio of previous work then it gets easier to get projects. There are many kinds of projects in there but majorly I see writing, web designing, and programming projects. Both Odesk and Elance guarantee that you will get paid for the msking you do and there are many checks and balances in place to benefit both the employers and freelancers.
I will say that joining more than two freelance sites is more than. If you don’t get a project despite trying hard then it’s time to accept it and move on for other avenues. The business model of eBay is such that anybody can set their own shop and list their products and sell them for a profit. Become a seller and start to earn.
Let me admit that I too started to sell here but that didn’t work out. You can see that I have percent positive reviews. On eBay, reviews are very important and even a bewt negative reviews can wreck your business. Coming back to share how it didn’t work is that I also work on a day job and maintaining the shop is a lot of work. You’ll have to get items to sell, offer a competitive price, dispatch items quickly, and give customer support if any of your customers are having a problem in receiving the item.
I left it because I was not able to give my best at my regular job as well as on eBay. To sell on eBay is just like best money making websites in india your own shop. You need to invest money and time to get something out of it. If you are ready to take a plunge then go ahead and make it possible.
Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I have worked on a number of online writing sites but nowadays there’s hardly any good site .
Writing Articles Online
Plz guide me. Sandipan, try Fiverr and Freelancer sites. Other than that, you may make use of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to get in touch with clients. During the initial days after starting my blog, even I was overwhelmed by the number of different ways by which I could start earning online. Sites like Fiverr will also help one get content writing gigs. Some of the online work they offer are It takes me about 2 months to earn .
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