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Bdo making money with farming

bdo making money with farming

Then from the far away land where I made them, I haft to bring it all back to one singular place? ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. If you feel I forgot something or want to ask about something, then please use the comments below. Remember that you do not lose your contribution points in you decide to scrap a node, you get the contribution points back and you can use them for a different node.


I did little to the guide wit added pictures and a bit of formatting. Thanks Biohack!! I will update this Money Making Guide with any new updates from the money maker. You can see for yourself by following Biohack on Twitch and Reddit. The general concepts in this guide are accurate as of Nov The numbers especially in the active income segment are no longer accurate and there are certainly ways to make over M an hour as of the end of Lifeskill mastery will have large implications for the content here when it is released.

Worker Abilities

bdo making money with farming
Cooking is one of the most profitable lifeskills in BDO, but it’s far from simple. This guide aims to help you succeed — big time! If you are a total beginner in Cooking and BDO lifeskills, I suggest you carefuly read through the whole guide. Cooking is extremely similar with Alchemy. Both lifeskills function exactly the same way with their own gear, buffs and recipes of course. Choosing in which one to invest, comes down to how much time you are looking to put in optimizing your money-making. A great thing with both lifeskills, is that you can set your cooking schedule according to your own IRL schedule.

Why Make Money With Workers?

Cooking is one of the most profitable lifeskills in BDO, but it’s far from simple. This guide aims to help you succeed — big time! If you are a total beginner in Cooking and BDO lifeskills, I suggest you carefuly read through the whole guide.

Cooking is extremely similar with Bdk. Both lifeskills function exactly the same way with their own gear, buffs and recipes of course. Choosing in which one to invest, comes down to how much time you are looking to put in optimizing your money-making. A great thing with both lifeskills, is that you can set your cooking schedule according to your own IRL schedule. You can use cooking devices known as utensils that take a long time for each craft, but also have a lot of durability, therefore letting you AFK for even 6 hours.

Compared to most lifeskills, making money by Cooking is quite straightforward, as you can pack a lot of meals into boxes, which you can sell to Imperial Delivery NPCs for a nice sum of money, or also craft meals that are in high-demand from players and sell them on the Central Market — you will have to look for the most profitable option based on the recipe.

While exploring Cooking Recipes, you will realize that all of their base materials, can be either gathered by workers from Nodes you have invested in, cultivated in your farm or be produced by Bdp. If you are a starter, then Velia or Heidel are arguably the best choices.

So once you have decided the City you want to carry monsy cooking activities, simply open the map and click on it, then you are going to be presented with all the houses that are available for rent:. Alternatively, you can also craft your own!

If you prefer to achieve the fastest cooking time, then craft Advanced Cooking Utensil. Their recipes are quite simple, and you can learn more about their material requirements by clicking their links.

You will need to have all the materials in your Glish storage, and one available worker in Glish, in order to start the crafting process. So now you see why making Wiht is so simple, 3 out of 4 materials are directly bought from the Cooking Vendor, and you only need mobey worry about makking the Cereals with your workers.

You always need to calculate how many materials you will need, based on the number of crafts you aim to. You will also soon realize that the more you want to craft at once, the more the total weight you gdo carry will affect that ability. Make sure to check mondy our guide for crafting Good Feed as wellso that wjth can keep your pets fed as well! Lifeskill masteries wirh introduced in a huge patch in Septemberand added a lot more depth and strategy to each lifeskill — Cooking is no exception of course!

In order to cook efficiently, you need to know all the available Cooking gear, and get your hands at the best versions you. This is where you cook everything, so if you are looking to make a long-term investment — which you should — then crafting your own Cooking Utensils is essential.

Follow my advice in the 2nd section of the guide in order for the best advice on crafting your. These are all the available Cooking Utensils :. Getting to Master level in Cooking — let alone Guru — is not an easy, and definitely not maling fast accomplishment.

You will need tons of crafts to get there, and the best help you can get is using the dedicated Cooking Clothes, which offer you more Cooking XP, as well as shorter cooking times! The higher you grow your Cooking Level, the more you will also grow your Cooking Mastery, which in turn will make you turn to Cooking Mastery clothes instead of XP, since farmng will bdo making money with farming more profitable. There are many options there, and all of them are quite expensive.

So I definitely suggest to be aware of them and their difference, but wait until at least Master 1 Cooking before you invest in any of them:. Cooking gear is not the only way you can get more out of cooking, since there are many buffs that will greatly help you. Cooking Time for minutes. It is quite expensive to make or buy, but I do suggest you work towards making your own — that activity alone will help you discover a lot about Cooking, as well as your node management.

Alternatively, you can stack a lifeskill XP buff with a lower cooking time fqrming, but you first have to wait 30 minutes mony you can consume the second food item. But it majing extremely expensive, and unlike Seafood Cron Meal, totally not worth investing in it. The best investment you can make on that aspect, is the Canape outfit. It costs 2, pearls, and is bound to the class you open it. The second best investment if you are an active player, is of course the Value Pack.

It costs 1, pearls, and lasts for 30 days. Woth but not least, the makkng P2W — and naturally the most effective — pearl item, is the Sealed Book of Life.

So whatever your circumstances, it will cut your Cooking Leveling time in half. So, every Pet has a Talent, which is always the same depending on the pet type. For example Cats, have a Life XP talent:. Then, the real RNG kicks in. Pet Skills! The skills it will learn are totally random, and changing them means breeding your pet, which costs more money and RNG.

So if you want to cut your Cooking Leveling time in halfprepare to pay a ridiculous amount of money. Getting there fast, means you are going to need a 1 second Cooking Time, in order to be the most efficient. I mean sure, the materials are easy to acquire, and both recipes are being used in many higher recipes.

But do you really want to end up with afrming, Vinegar in your Storage? Choose Essence of Liquor if you also want to level your Processing on the wayor stick to Makin if fadming the fastest CP is all that matters to you. If you do want to make some good money while leveling your Cooking and CP levels, then I highly suggest you study the Cooking Boxes needed for Imperial Delivery.

That means that you have many options for how you want to setup your nodes, and which items you can makinv for each Cooking Rank, in order to maximize your profit while leveling. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Log into your account. Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Black Desert Online.

Old School Runescape. It far,ing one of the slowest skills The best thing about training Hunter is a Pay-to-Play skill that requires having a membership to use it, thus the only way to train it is by using P2P Woodcutting is a very useful F2P that can be used in witn with Firemaking, Construction, and Fletching. Training this skill consists of chopping down Justice Online.

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Commerce have low interest in this game because you must sell production manualy. If you find yourself waiting for a spawn, then expand your loop. Some articles have YouTube videos embedded in. Searching up at database, i figured out that Cooking Honey got only one node in game, so i’m going after it with my CP and workers. All rights reserved. For example: I wanna make money selling Honey Wine. I will not take the bdo making money with farming to explain this method, as Dulfy and Meme have created extensive guides for this already links to come. You have no real other way to being rich. Enough to give you quite a bit of profit, but nothing special. Showing 1 — 9 of 9 comments. If you feel I forgot something or want to ask about something, then please use the comments. Advice: Obtain all 5 fishing speed levels—faster speed results in faster money. Where to Get Workers To be able to hire workers you first need to have lodgings available for the workers. Maximize your energy while processing using this method by Blade Boques. As time passes and more people jump on this bandwagon, this method will produce weaker returns, as profit is dependent on supply and demand.


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