Siz, The Backup Bodyguard Kraytor approves the Brawler Zelda tries Siz’s fruit punch soaked weed A blind man, A hippie, and a clown walk in Siz and Zelda’s neighborhood Zelda joyrides the Brawler at Mount Chilliad, Lovers’ Quarrel ensues Glady’s «hot» blind man mountain and beach adventure Erin follows Siz’s dramatic, kidnap-filled, murderous, gossipy family footsteps Siz reveals his past with family, Erin reveals her past, and Annabelle’s truth Erin reveals there’s a citywide powerful «no schizo zone» overseer gun dealer Erin becomes what Siz could have been without loyal friends and Dab’s clout Siz and Zelda fistbumps Brawler Ownership Death Deal Siz, Zelda and Erin decides to meet up the secret gun dealer, schizo free. After stopping to get some burgers, he then texted Zelda «Hi» to see if she was around. Denzel: Purples are Dead. Sizzle Down May 4 1.