Find out how to make more money through side-hustles, investments and selling things online. That will help you to determine how much to charge a renter. You could earn even more by combining a few different platforms, for example leasing your garage, doing some jobs on Airtasker and renting out a room. Shipping and payments are a breeze, so post your old clothes and let the cash flow right into your bank account. Turn your love of dog memes and stalking the local dog park into a paycheck by dog sitting. We rounded up three sharing economy platforms that you can use to earn an extra income without being put out.
Show Notes
Well, renting out your spare room online is just the tip of the sharing economy iceberg. You could be make money share economy someone look the part by lending them that designer dress you never wear, or by delivering a much appreciated birthday present to a complete stranger. Neat, eh? Nimber matches delivery requests with people going in the same direction — meaning you can make money simply by doing your usual journey plus a couple of stop-off points, without taking any detours. Storage space can be a lucrative commodity, especially in densely populated cities, and people are willing to pay a good price for you to store their stuff.
Save Money
The idea at its core is that there is slack in our economy — resources that are not being utilized. Your car parked in the garage. The free time of a math honors student. Now, you can get paid for work and pick some people up during you drive home to make a few extra bucks. Uber is just the most discussed service in this new economy. With it, you can get in your car, turn on the app and wait for taxi requests to come in. There is also a lot of money to be made renting your home out on AirBNB.
Trust, but Verify
The idea at its core is that there monej slack in our economy — resources that are not being utilized. Your car parked in the garage.
The free time of a math honors student. Now, you can get paid for work and pick some people up during you drive home to make a few extra bucks.
Uber is just the most discussed service in this new economy. With it, you can get in your car, turn on the app and wait for taxi requests to come in. There is econoym a lot of money to be made renting your home out on AirBNB. Have free time on a Saturday? Learned plumbing from your Dad? Install a bathroom ecnoomy for someone close by.
According to peers. We’ve made a list of the best tools and services out there to help you grow your income and save money. Listen Money Matters is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. How we make money. What’s next? Ready to take action? Want to dive deeper? Check out our free playlist, Start Your Own Business. Looking for related topics? Find out how to make more money through side-hustles, investments and selling things online. Get our best strategies, tools, and support sent straight to your make money share economy.
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More Money Hacks
The free time of a math honors student. Hire out items that you don’t use all the time. He drives when he has time shsre of his day job with the U. Now, you can get paid for work and pick some people up during you drive home to make a few extra bucks. He sees your ad on Neighbor and the next thing make money share economy know, his car is safely parked in your private garage for a monthly fee. Making money in the sharing economy is as simple as downloading a few apps and creating a few profiles.
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